In forex market, you against the others. Thats way you need to learn by yourself, you have to improve your feeling and technical by learn the basic indicators. You have to explore what is Moving Average (MA), Fibonacci, Pivot, Volume, Stochastic, and others. Explore them and learn when whe should use them all. Do not buy any indicators from others which you don't know what setting they used. That indicators just build by seller who never win in their trade so they selling its to you. "nobody will sell something which can be used by him/her self to be a winner". You can learn from other people but "do not follow them" even others people in chat room call they are a master, trust me "there's not a master", their analysis just can be just a comparison with yours. You need (or must?) to find "your style" by yourself. Sometimes people who talking to much have nothing, they just want to be a famous :), be cool calm & confidence. what can make you "cool, calm & confident"? the answer is "you've already know how to use that indicators" and make you feel that.

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